System APIs
The RamBase menu, placed on the left side of the screen, gives easy access to all RamBase applications. The menu can be grouped into sub menus. There can exist many RamBase menus whitin a RamBase system, but a company setting will tell which menu to use for a given company. By default there will only be one menu available, but partners are allowed to create new customized menus for a customer if needed.
Tags and resources
Use this resource to create a new RamBase menu item at any level in the tree.
This resource will list all available RamBase menu items within the current RamBase system. If you want to list all menus available you should use the level query parameter and specify level=0. By specifing a level other than 0 you will get all menu items at that level regardless of which menu they belong to.
This resource will give you all the details of a specific RamBase menu item.
2 operation(s) for system/rambase-menu-items/{ramBaseMenuItemId}
Delete a RamBase menu item from anywhere in the tree. If the menu item you delete has any sub menu item, those sub menu items will be deleted as well.
Use this resource to update an existing RamBase menu item.
For easier access to creating new sub menu items you can use this resource.
This resource will list all RamBase menu items that is a child of the menu item refered to in the url parameter.